In other news, I thought I would show you some more pictures of the holiday cheer I have in my life right now. This one is not big, but it is at my office, and as this is where I spend a majority of my waking hours I needed a little something.

What do you think of my cubicle. Comfy, no? Eh, whatever. It works. I am like one of seven out of seventy that does not get an office, but who's counting? Not to mention that I am about as low on the food chain around here as you can get.
Oh and take a look at the break room here....
Just gaze at all of the temptation that I am having to overcome......

And there are still two more weeks until Christmas......
Your office cubicle is wonderful! and very festive the way you have it decorated for the holidays.
Maybe someday you will work your way up to your own office with a window view.......:-)
If that is the way the break room looks all the time, they would have to get a handtruck to move my fat rear end in and out of my cubicle..........
Happy New Year, my little sweethearts in Texas. I'm ashamed to say that I haven't read your blog in several weeks. Man, a person sure can get sidetracked, huh? I hope your Christmas was wonderful. That snow you had a few weeks ago should have waited for Christmas day don't you think. Wouldn't that have been awesome for your part of Texas. A snowy Christmas!! Come to think of it, I think Don and Michelle moved to Texas to get away from such yucky stuff that falls from the sky. I wonder why Michelle didn't mention about the snow to her mommy??? ;o) Love you guys, so very much. If you ever get to Chico, you know "me casa, su casa" or something like that! Chico Grandma
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