Now, I know that eons ago I promised you the story of Don-e's heart thing, but really, at this point it is old news. No one really cares anymore, do you? He has been 100% completely released from his cardiologist with a perfect health report and no indication of any residual damage. They still have no idea of the cause, or what fixed it for that matter. But I suppose if anyone were still really really interested in the story I will write it. Just leave a comment on this here post and I will provide. Those of you who know me know I aim to please!!!
On a more recent note, I have started working again in a real live job. I even get a paycheck every once in a while. This did come about out of financial necessity, apparently almost dying is expensive, but I would be lying if I told you I do not enjoy it. I love the sense of accomplishment that there is in gainful employment, so much more than is ever received from 'just being a mom'. Not to say that it wasn't deserved, just isn't received. The company is called Brigham Oil & Gas, and is an oil and natural gas exploration company. It is really interesting work, and I learn something new everyday. I will share more on it soon, as well as all the other exciting things that are going on in our life!
Well, you are still alive down there. Even though we talk as often as we can, I still really enjoy reading your posts about your life. It's one more little connection in a life lived in duality almost 2,000 miles apart. Even though you are not going to chronicle Don-E's illness here, I hope that you have done it in your personal journal. It will truly mean a lot to you down the road. I love you, and can hardly wait to see you for Christmas.
NV Mom
Tickled pink to hear from you again! I agree with your mom, that if you aren't going to chronicle Don-e's illness at least write it in a journal. You'll be so glad you did later on. I loved the picture of Elijah!! Send MORE!Pictures and an occational email or blog entry are the only real connections that we have with each other. We are missing so much of each others lives. Bummer!!
Time really is speeding away from us. I can't believe it either.
I hope your Christmas is totally awesome!
Miss you tons
your grandma in Chico
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