Don-e's credit from a car loan that he had before we were married. Such. A. Pain. I have had to write twice trying to dispute this thing, make a billion phone calls, and we are still no where closer to having it fixed. Plus we are trying to do some movings around with our finances, and this thing is holding that up. Pain in the butt.
Anyway, I have had my rant, so on to other news.
This past weekend was so much fun with my brother and sister. I haven't seen either of them since last October so this was a big deal for me. MJ, the brother, got here late Thursday night and we had a pretty relaxed weekend. He is an infantry soldier so relaxing isn't something that he gets to do often. On Saturday we went into downtown Austin and did the touristy thing, which was fun. Don-e and I haven't gotten to know this city very well so it is nice when we have an excuse to do so. Lycia, the sister, didn't get here until Sunday evening, as she was really only here to help a friend move. They both left Monday afternoon. Wah. Elijah loved being with them though! Yeah for no more stranger anxiety!
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