I taught a self defense class once upon a time, but it was pretty close to a disaster. It was through the dojo where I trained, and was working for at the time. We got a pretty poor response, about 6 women, and I wasn't told until the very last minute that I was actually teaching the thing. And by last minute I mean after the women had been waiting to begin for about 10 minutes and I had tracked down our head instructor to tell him to get a move on only to be told, that no, you are teaching. Get to it.
It did not go real well.
Don-e on the other hand as taught many of these, to great success. Our studio was actually known in the town we are from for having 'hot' instructors. Women ranging from 15 to 80 would sign up for our classes just for the chance to be handles a bit by them. Don-e was one of them. Needless to say he is not nervous. The man is a natural born teacher so I suppose this would be no different for him. But I am not sure that I won't be sick. Hopefully just not while in the middle of it...